Bringing Spice to Your Sex Life

Sex is one of the most powerful unifying factors in any relationship. Sex creates a level of intimacy that probably no act can afford. Probably no other act affords so much release of passion, so much intense pleasure as sex does.

You should know that sex is meant to be savored and relished, every moment of it. If most relationships truly experience the powerful benefits of sex, there would be much fewer separations and infidelity.

Basically what are those ways that can truly spice up your sex life?

You should know that sex can create a heightened level of sensitivity between you and your partner. You become so attuned to your partner's every feeling, emotion and desire when your sexual understanding of each other increases.

This sensitivity in turn produces a greater degree of intimacy between you and your partner. This is so important. If you can maintain some considerable level of intimacy with your partner, so many conflicts, insecurities, doubts and uncertainties capable of pulling your relationship apart will not exist in the first place.

Added to this is the obvious: pleasure. Sex can give you pleasure in a dimension that no other activity, recreation, food or process can. Your every sexual experience is meant to be more rewarding, more fulfilling, more enthralling than the last.

Taking time to enjoy sex is one of the most protective and enjoyable things you can do for your relationship.

Granted, sex can with time turn out to be blasé, if you take out time to discover new things about it, your relationship will reach exciting new peaks.

Understanding the secrets to a passion filled relationship is one of Dick shapiro's fervent passions.

After passing a childhood characterized with instability and tension, as well as a teenage and early adult life characterized by uncertainty, Dick has gained a vast wealth of experiencing capable of transforming, nurturing and sustaining mutual relationships. He shares these powerful info in his blog.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sex Tips, Ideas, Guidelines and Suggestions - Starting With E and F

We modestly offer sex advice consisting of short alphabetical pieces. We aim to improve your sex life. Each article includes at least two positive and two negative suggestions, based on words that you never thought were sexy. Review these proposals and schemes before closing your door on the way out, and once again before opening your zipper on the way in.

Early. The early bird gets the worm. If you can do it early then you still have a chance at another round that evening. Of course we mean with the same partner. What were you thinking? Early to bed, early to rise...

Effort. Make the effort. What can you lose? Not much besides a put down, a punch in the mouth, a slap from his or her partner, or a sexually transmitted disease. The list goes on. Think positively. Make the effort. What's a little put down? Don't go after someone who is presently attached. Use a condom, guys. Make sure he uses a condom, gals. Make the effort.

Feeling. Show your feelings. And feel what's showing, and what's not showing. You don't have to go around singing Morris Albert's 1975 pop hit. If you do you will be in good company including Ella Fitzgerald (does Gerald fit Ella?), Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, and Sarah Vaughan. I hesitate to suggest that you don't sing. Do what you do best. Feelings.

Fact. Does anybody here remember Jack Webb as Sgt. Joe Friday of the Los Angeles Police Department in Dragnet saying, "Just the facts ma'am"? What about that old joke, "Did you hear what happened to Helena Rubenstein?" "No" "Max Facked Her (Max Factor.)" Stick to the facts but you are allowed to embellish them once in a while.

And now for some things to avoid.

Endurance. Make it last. But the sex act or acts are not an endurance contest. Don't go for a personal best against the clock and in all likelihood against your partner's wishes. Otherwise you may find that he or she can no longer endure you.

Fake. I guess if you stick to the facts you can't fake it. What about going half way, moaning but not groaning? Or was it groaning but not moaning? That the trouble with faking it, you have to work hard to remember what you said and what you did. And watch yourself in some delicatessens where not only the Mock Turtle Soup is fake.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine wine, eat fine food, and enjoy life. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new site celebrating all kinds of love including physical love at You will find a wide range of jokes, articles, and quotes devoted to various aspects of sex and a great collection of photos. If you don't know French, enjoy the translations. Check out his global wine website at with his new weekly column reviewing $10 wines.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Teknik Menikmati Faraj Wanita

Apabila perkara utama tentang seks, rasa gairah dan berahi sudah bangkit. Cairan faraj sudah sudah cukup ada untuk batang zakar dimasukkan....

Gunakan jari sapukan cecair faraj kepada dua-dua belah bibir faraj. Ini untuk memastikan batang zakar mudah melepasi bibir faraj. Bibir faraj yang kering mudah melecet apabila gerakan masuk dan keluar zakar dilakukan. Letakkan kepala zakar dibibir faraj dan gunakan jari untuk membuka ruang antara bibir agar mudah kepala zakar masuk. Setelah itu tekan perlahan-lahan. Sewaktu menekan, pandangan mata antara pasangan janganlah dilepaskan. Lelaki perlu bertanya sama ada kemasukkan zakar ada menimbulkan kesakitan. Tekan perlahan-lahan. Ini membolehkan faraj menyesuaikan dengan ukur lilit batang zakar.

Apabila batang dirasakan sudah masuk setengah. Lelaki perlu berhenti seketika dan bertanya sama ada ada sebarang ketidak selesaan. Pada masa ini mintalah izin untuk terus tekan ke dalam penuh batang zakar. Lakukan tusukan masuk umpama perempuan itu masih dara. Setiap masa, setiap kali bersama lakukan hubungan seks umpama wanita masih dara.

Untuk tekanan batang zakar ke dasar faraj perempuan, tekanan ke pintu rahim wanita. Cium dan cumbulah bersama sepuas-puasnya dan kemudian pandanglah mata masing-masing tekan batang zakar sedalamnya. Perempuan perlulah sambut dengan angkatkan sedikit pinggul agar ia boleh sama dirasa kesedapannya. Kekalkan hubungan mata sepanjang hubungan seks sehinggalah mencapai klimak.

Mulakan dayungan apabila bersedia. Adakala, terutama wanita yang sudah lama tidak main, akan klimak dan puas akibat berahi yang lama dan rasa sedap batang masuk dalam faraj. Lelaki perlu tunggu sehingga klimak reda. Dayung perlahan-lahan pada awalnya dan lajukan dayungan mengikut naluri dan nikmat.

Pelbagai tempo tusukan masuk dan keluar batang zakar. Sebagai contoh sepuluh kali secara tempo laju dan lima kali tempo perlahan. atau tusukan masuk dan keluar zakar dalam faraj secara tempo lima kali laju dan sepuluh kali perlahan. Boleh juga keluar masuk batang zakar dalam faraj lima kali laju dan lima kali perlahan. Pelbagaikan.

Cara yang paling nikmat adalah dengan menekan ke dalam batang zakar dalam faraj secara laju dan kemudian menarik keluar batang zakar daripada ruang farah secara perlahan. Lakukan sebanyak sepuluh kali.

Nikmat yang paling nikmat adalah apabila nikmat faraj dinikmati semasa klimak atau orgasm bersama. Oleh kerana klimak wanita adalah sukar dijangka, sediakan mata ukuran yang akan dinyatakan oleh wanita yang sedap kesedapan. Mata satu adalah nilai sedap seks baru bermula dayungan. Apabila nikmat semakin bertambah, wanita perlu nyatakan nilaian bertambah ke pada dua, kemudian nikmat seks semakin bertambah nilaian semakin meningkat. Yang paling tinggi adalah sepuluh iaitu perempuan klimak atau orgasm.

Lelaki apabila nilaian mencapai lapan atau sembilan apabila wanita yang sedang menikmati nikmat batang masuk ke dalam faraj maka kawal air mani dan bersedia untuk pancutkan air mani apabila wanita klimaks. Nikmat faraj akan lebih terasa apabila orgasm bersama.


Mengapa Sukar Orgasme?

Mengapa sukar orgasme merupakan satu perkara yang sering diperkatakan apabila kita membicarakan tentang seks. Namun berapa ramai antara kita yang benar-benar dapat mengakui bahawa mereka sering dapat mencapai orgasme apabila berhubungan intim. Bukan itu sahaja, apakah kita benar-benar faham apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan orgasme itu sendiri?

Sebab itu, perkara pertama yang perlu anda ketahui ialah apakah yang anda harapkan dan bayangkan mengenai seks. Apabila yang dicari adalah kepuasan dan kenikmatan, maka itu dapatlah diertikan sebagai orgasme.

Ejakulasi pada wanita merupakan satu fenomena yang tidak semestinya terjadi pada semua wanita. Sebenarnya maksud ejakulasi bagi wanita itu sendiri masih belum jelas. Sebab itu janganlah anda menganggap bahawa ejakulasi sebagai tanda khas orgasme bagi wanita se-bagaimana lelaki.

Orgasme bagi wanita adalah kepuasan dan kenikmatan yang timbul ketika berhubungan intim, sebagai puncak atau fasa ketiga daripada tindak balas seksual di mana terjadi kontraksi otot-otot sekitar vagina dan pelvik yang kemudiannya tersebar ke seluruh tubuh.

Respon seksual seseorang biasanya mencakupi empat fasa. Pertama, fasa perangsangan, kedua adalah fasa 'plateaui (peningkatan rangsangan) yang diikuti dengan fasa ketiga, iaitu orgasme. Fasa keempat pula ialah resolusi di mana tubuh memerlukan masa untuk kembali pada keadaan normal.

Dalam mencapai orgasme, rangsangan fizikal yang diikuti dengan aspek 'psikiki atau kejiwaan adalah sangat penting. Seks tidak akan dapat memberikan kenikmatan dan kepuasan jika hanya melibatkan aspek fizikal semata-mata.

Orgasme bermakna tercapainya fasa ketiga daripada tindak balas seksual seorang wanita. Pencapaian orgasme adalah amat bergantung pada perasaan anda dan perasaan pasangan anda ketika itu. Contohnya, apabila anda tidak mahu melakukan hubungan intim tetapi terpaksa berbuat demikian, tentu sahaja kepuasan dan kenikmatan itu sukar dicapai.

Secara amnya, orgasme dapat dicapai oleh semua wanita. Namun hakikatnya, ada yang mudah mendapatnya, ada yang agak sukar, dan tidak mustahil ada yang belum pernah merasakannya. Wanita yang sulit atau belum pernah mengalami orgasme tidak boleh dikatakan sebagai wanita yang abnormal.

Kesulitan mencapai orgasme mungkin disebabkan oleh beberapa perkara seperti adanya konflik mental, lesbian, atau pandangan-pandangan tertentu. Sesetengah orang berpendapat bahawa seks bagi wanita hanya berfungsi sebagai reproduksi, atau menganggap orgasme bagi wanita bukanlah satu perkara yang penting.

Seolah-olah orgasme itu hanya milik orang lelaki. Mereka yang berfikiran seperti ini biasanya sukar mencapai orgasme. Rangsangan (foreplay) juga berperanan dalam mencipta orgasme. Beberapa orang pakar dalam bidang seksual berpendapat bahawa 92 peratus wanita akan mencapai orgasme apabila rangsangan berlangsung selama 21 minit atau ebih. Perkataan lain yang menentukan terjadinya orgasme adalah berapa lama hubungan intim berlansung. Apabila hubungan intim berjalan terlalu singkat, maka kesempatan untuk terjadinya orgasme turut berkurangan. Wanita memang perlu 'belajari untuk memperoleh orgasme. Ada wanita yang dapat mencapai orgasme melalui rangsangan vagina, ada yang melalui rangsangan klitoris, atau ada juga melalui khayalan.

Sebab itu wanita perlu terlebih dahulu belajar untuk mengenali dirinya sendiri dan tindak balas- tindak balas seksualnya. Jangan tergesa-gesa kerana proses belajar memang memerlukan masa dan kesempatan yang secukupnya.

Pada zaman dahulu banyak yang beranggapan bahawa orgasme pada wanita hanya dapat dicapai melalui hubungan seksual (vagina). Mereka yang tidak dapat mencapai orgasme melalui hubungan seksual dianggap abnormal. Namun kini setelah pelbagai kajian dilakukan, didapati bahawa orgasme juga dapat dicapai melalui rangsangan klitoris dan juga satu titik (tidak semestinya dimiliki oleh semua wanita) yang dinamakan G-spot. Orgasme akan dapat dipertingkatkan dengan melakukan rangsangan pada titik ini. Jika suami anda berperilaku normal dalam hal-hal seks, anda patut bersyukur tentang ini. Namun perilaku normal bukan bererti telah cukup pengetahuan untuk membawa anda menikmati kepuasan seks. Selain mempelajari tindak balas seksual anda sendiri, anda juga sepatutnya mengajak suami untuk mempelajari tindak balas seks dirinya dan juga anda. Dengan itu anda berdua dapat menggunakannya untuk mencapai kepuasan bersama.

Dengan pengetahuan yang ada, anda hanya perlu bersabar sambil terus mencuba. Cubalah mengamalkan sikap yang lebih tenang tanpa memaksa diri mencapai kenikmatan dan kepuasan yang disebut sebagai orgasme. Orgasme akan datang apabila anda 'membawa' seluruh fikiran dan aspek lairiah anda ke dalam hubungan seksual. Jika tetap tidak berjaya cuba dapatkan nasihat psikiatri kerana tidak mustahil anda menderita apa yang dinamakan sebagai anorgasmi, iaitu tidak dapat mencapai orgasme kerana pelbagai halangan, terutama adanya fikiran serta pengalaman lalu yang mengganggu.

Sumber : seri kasih

The G-Spot

An article in The Saturday Star makes a claim about a G-spot injection that guarantees an orgasm every time you have sex. I think not, not for every woman anyway. The G-spot is one of those things that abound with myth and misinformation, women having as little understanding as men.
The latest research tells us that the G-spot is a gland that has over 140 ducts. It secrets fluid concerned with 3 things, the first is fertility, the second is hormone balance and the third is fluid that women can ejaculate.

The G-spot, so called after Dr. Grafenberg identified it, which brings the questions to mind - why didn't this happen before, where was it hiding? Why has traditional medicine and sexology paid so little attention to this source of pleasure? Big questions that we don't really have space for here.
We now refer to this amazing little structure as the Goddess Spot, and it isn't so little, as we shall see.

The gland is more or less triangular in shape, starts just behind the pubic bone and goes deep inside to just in front of the cervix. So the 'spot' is actually long and narrows to a point as it goes deeper.

That point inside can trigger the most intense orgasms that can last for up to 10 minutes, maybe more, and that is incredible to experience and see happen.

Women can actually experience 4 different kinds of vaginal orgasms. The 1st is the clitoral orgasm, a contractive experience that's more about physical release. The 2nd is a G-spot orgasm, through stimulation of the front of the G area, then there's the deep cervical orgasm, and then a mixture of the 2, which is called a blended orgasm, incredibly emotionally and physically intense.
The best description of what happens during this, from the point of doing it to somebody, and only those who've experienced it can describe the sensation, is this: the vaginal walls 'melt' as she's getting close to it, and open with a softness that's just incredible to feel. Then it becomes a wave of pleasure that builds deep inside the body, spreads everywhere and takes her on a ride to a place that words just cannot do justice to.

The G-spot is elusive to find, but a little knowledge goes a long way. It's on the upper wall of the vagina, if you're lying on your back it's at 12 o'clock. Start looking at about 2 cm's inside, maybe a little deeper; it's different for every woman. Find a spot and make a 'come here' movement with 1 or 2 fingers, gently.

As soon as you feel like you need to urinate, you know you're in the right place. This sensation is from the tube that goes from your bladder to the outside running just across the top of that. The sensation of needing to pee can get very intense; often you're convinced it's going to happen. Relax your body, breathe deeply and that's the point the sensation changes and becomes pleasurable.

Then the skin under your fingers changes texture, it becomes corrugated, almost like corduroy, and bulges down. In some women when the G- spot is fully engorged, it will bulge more than halfway down the vaginal opening.

Then you feel 2 channels that develop on either side of the bulge, these go all the way to the tail, moving the sensation deep inside.

Many women say they feel no sensation there, sometimes even tenderness or pain when that's touched. This is due to emotional stuff that sits there. We tend to store the deepest things that happen to us in our genitals, men and women, and more so in the G-spot than anywhere else. Bad sexual experiences, limiting beliefs, negative attitudes, guilt, shame and embarrassment all sit there, preventing the experience of so much pleasure.

These can be healed and released through Tantric massage and healing techniques, opening the door to so much of your feminine power.

Healing these issues, many of which you may not be consciously aware of, also increases sensation inside the vagina, so all penetrative sex becomes much more pleasurable. These emotional issues are also the biggest block in preventing women from ejaculating.
Female ejaculation is nothing new. It's been written of and taught in ancient Tantric teachings thousands of years old. The fluid that's ejaculated is called Amrita, which means Nectar of the Goddess. It's considered a great honour to have this liquid sprayed on you.

Many women experience this when they're quite young and don't know what it is. They get embarrassed because they thing they've wet the bed, which they have, but not with urine. Their partner's don't know what it is and often tell them they've peed. Then it gets turned inward and becomes a retrograde ejaculation, which has been linked to chronic bladder infections. What a way to help something so uncomfortable - healing through pleasure. Which is one of the original purposes of Taoist and Tantric sexuality.

The fluid that's ejaculated comes from the urethra, but is totally different to urine in smell, texture and taste. And there's a lot of it, sometimes almost a wine glass full!

You can learn to do this on your own as well as with a partner. In fact it's often preferable to try it by yourself first. With a partner there's often pressure to 'get it right and make it happen'. Remember that the goal is pleasure!

Many women report falling pregnant after learning and practicing G-spot massage and release, even those who have been struggling for a long time.

There's also a way to have an Expanded Orgasm through G-spot stimulation, which really takes sexual pleasure to a deeper level.

So much to learn, so much to experience, so much to feel and Oh, So much pleasure to be enjoyed and celebrated.